It’s been a long and hard summer this year that hasn’t been helped by depression brought on by a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis, spondylitis and the lack of sunshine. But the summer is now over and as the first frost lavished a coating of ice on my windscreen this morning it’s time to move on, to get on with my life.
So besides feeling very down and in a lot of pain what have I been doing. In truth not a lot but sometimes down time can be very constructive, it gives you chance to re-evaluate your life. I looked at where I am now to where I was five years ago, not just geographically but physically and emotionally too. In many ways physically I’m not as well off, geographically, I’m far better off and emotionally, well there’s no comparison, so two out of three is pretty good going. On the strength of that I can pick myself up, dust myself down and start all over again. Oh don’t you just love clichés.
The lads are also better off. At the start of the summer, I had one working full time, one working part time and one not working at all. Now as the evenings darken they’re all working full time and are a lot happier. Me, I can send them out in the morning and look forward to them returning in the evening which gives us all a sense of normality.
Me, I’ve changed my car. I’ve got rid of the nice, comfortable coupe and gone for a sports car. Why because it’s fun and because I could. A wise move, maybe not but what the hell….
I’ve joined the Clun Valley Singers, now that is funny, we’ve only met up once but it’s giving me an opportunity to meet others who live in the valley, which is what I need to do. Get out there, make a life for me here in this village that I can finally call home.
I’m fifty next year that’s almost a daunting thought but to be honest I’m looking forward to it. Fifty is the new forties and my forties were pretty crap, so I’ve got the chance to do it all again but this time, I intend to get it right and enjoy it.
So watch this space, from here on it’s up, it’s going to fun and it’s going to be successful.
I’m safe and I’m happy for the first time in years, there is no need to be down any longer.
Womag news and free entry writing competitions
9 hours ago