Okay I'm back!
Lots of things have happened since I last posted but you might hear about that later in the meantime well nano-nanu.
Right I know you have to be a certain age to appreciate Mork and Mindy (1978-1982) yes my friends it was that long ago but Mork - the alien, played by the fantastic Robin Williams often had trouble understanding us earthlings. Well he's not being funny he's not the only one. No I'm not an alien although born in Singapore years ago that's exactly what I would have been called (I know that's answered all your questions about me) but often it never ceases to amaze me how my mind works (I know, you neither) but also where ideas come from.
Yes It's Nanowrimo month again and yes, me being me signed up for it sixteen hours after it started.
I'd thought about doing but I was struggling for something to write about and then I did what a lot of writers do and that's write about what you like to read about.
I love historical fiction. I love social history and at the moment I'm reading the story of Kathleen Dayus who was born in Birmingham in 1903, not far from where I used to live and her story, although very naively written is about her life and hers and her family struggles just to survive. And then Halloween night, just as the witches were firing up their broomsticks my story came to me but the irony is, it's a story I've always wanted to write. It's loosely based on fact but the words are all total fiction. I've called Tina, my darling Christina and it's based on my Nana's life.
Christina Esther Starling was born on 8 Aug 1900 in Newcastle upon Tyne. She died peacefully on 23 October 1983 at home but all alone. She lived an eventful life and she played a large part in making me the person I am today. She was strong, she was a survivor and yes she did things her way.
So here I go, day two and 4293 words written about part of her life I know nothing about but you know when I write it, I can hear the Geordie accent in my head.
And for me - God it's fantastic to sit down and write something new.
Day three tomorrow - so nano, nanu and have fun.
Happy all the things!
13 hours ago
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