Wednesday, 27 July 2011

My dear darling friend Heather

I ain't that clever with words
And I don't claim to be a poet
I have an idea, scribble it down
Upload it and say sod it!

I do love Heather dearly but she did make laugh today. She sent me a card, it's something we do if we see a card the other might like. This one had a sketch drawing of a cat rubbing faces with a woman in the bath. Apparently in years gone by Heather had a cat that would that.

Heather is a very accomplished and gifted poet in her own right and has won or been placed in many anthologies and competitions but in her card she wrote 'I have a look at any poems as you have the dark, disturbed soul poet's should maybe have.' Hmmmmm

Now before anyone goes into a spin unlike Sylvia Plath I don't have a gas oven so I'm not going to stick my head that but maybe I should laugh more - I don't know.

It's funny though because to me words are like music and in the day when I played music there were pieces that could make me howl with laughter and there were those that could easily reduce me to tears. The same with words, they're such a gift and we do have a beautiful language with which to express ourselves. Never take words for granted they have their own special meanings and put together carefully can produce a symphony which is a delight to the ears.

And as for poetry well, I just love Wendy Cope particularly her poem Loss

Right pontificating over, this cheerful little soul is going to bed.

Night, night God bless x

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