That's how I feel - homeless.
Back in June 2007 this happened.
Yes the house in the lake or rather the river was mine. I don't think anything prepares you for an event like that. I'd seen the river burst his banks before but it had done what it was supposed to do and that was flow onto the flood planes. June 26 2007 things were different. They'd been logging further up the river and with the extraordinary amount of water, the logs were carried down the river and blocked the culverts and the river rose and kept rising.
Some of you will remember the dreadful scene in Ludlow when the Pearces' house collapsed and for months their bed was hanging in full view of everyone coming into the town.
We literally abandoned the house and found a room in the local travelodge but the next morning I went back to face it on my own. This is what greeted me and I know I look awful but I hadn't slept and I was devastated.
Brief interview with the Shropshire Star
That was the beginning of a ten week period of homelessness for my family. We drifted around, sometimes not knowing where we were going to sleep that but for six weeks we lived in a flea infested hostel owned by the local housing association. It was an absolute nightmare.
Finally we did get a home but even though I still 'live' in that home, my family have had to move out and me, well I'm waiting to be rehoused in somewhere where hopefully I'll be safe.
At the moment I feel exactly how I felt when I lived in that hostel. A roof over my head but it wasn't a home. Here, well I live downstairs. Where my dining table used to be my bed is now. Yes it's a lot better than the shed I slept in over the winter because the stairs are too dangerous but, despite promises made - I'm still here.
I know I'm lucky because compared to those who literally have no roof over their heads I don't have anything to complain about but you know, homelessness is more than a lack of a roof - it's also a state of mind.
Plus it's brought back some many horrible memories that I had put behind me.
Hopefully though soon, this situation will be resolved and then finally I can get on with my life.
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9 hours ago